Jim and Eileen's Travel Page

Whoa pardner! Pull up a chair, take off your boots and stay awhile. We bring you a new dimension in travel writing. The following pages will give you more information on the travel stories of travel journalists, Jim and Eileen Leggett.. If you are currently reading one of Jim and Eileen's stories right now in your Sunday paper and were referred to this site in that story, you will find more information here. If you haven't been reading one of Jim and Eileen's stories and just happened to surf on in, you can read Jim and Eileen's stories at the newspapers given on each destination page, like Australia or Timbucktoo. If you are interested in traveling to one of the destinations in the stories on this website, we provide information for helping you make your own decisions. And, finally if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to send an email or leave a message. We'll be in touch. Happy traveling !
Recent Pictures
A Right Royal Train Trip to Remember
Charlotte's Ghosts and Ghouls