Welcome to Chris's Travel Photo Galleries!

"Du liebes Kind, komm, geh mit mir! Gar schöne Spiele spiel' ich mit dir!"
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hello friends, relatives, and web surfers! I'd like to wish you all the best in 2002!
For those who don't know,
my name is Chris Stroop, and I'd like to welcome you to my website!
I am going to be living and studying in Germany until the end of February and
in Europe until next June or July. Thanks to my uncle and aunt, Kevin and Beth Wedmore,
I have a digital camera. If you want, you can follow
along with my travels as I update this page and Chris's Travel Photo Galleries 2, The Sequel! I currently have plans for extended trips to Russia and Italy,
and starting in late April I'll be studying at Oxford. I've also been taking plenty of shorter trips. I've been in Trier with Steffi Vogt, who I got to know along with Anette Schindler when they were at Ball State, and also in Münster with Anette--there are pictures of that trip on this site. I spent some time with our friends the Küllmer family in Spagenberg (where they live), Kassel, and Frankfurt in September, and I also had a lovely Christmas celebration with them, with more snow than they'd gotten for Christmas in ten years! In early December I was in Vienna with my friend Jill who studies at Beloit College. I spent the 14th and 15th of December in Paris with friends from the Justus Liebig Universität Giessen (where I'm currently studying), and I rang in the New Year with one of them in Prague. I spent another day with university friends in Heidelberg in November, and you can see pictures of that on this site. In spite of now having two websites to hold photos, I still don't have unlimited space, so pictures may disappear with updates. If anyone wants to save any of my pictures, grab them now, and you're welcome to do so. I hope you'll enjoy looking around! By the way, this page works better on Internet Explorer than on Netscape. I don't know why--when it comes to technology, I am a monkey who can be trained to use it but not to comprehend it! ;) Fortunately, I make up for that by being able to quote more Shakespeare than any monkey I've ever met.
Also, Los!
NEW! Highlights from Vienna.
Shots of Münster.
NEW! Shots of my town Giessen and Highlights from Heidelberg.
Some of you may have noticed that my site is sometimes shut down because it receives too much traffic for a free site. Because of the limit on space and data transfer, I have set up a second site to continue documenting my travels!
See Chris's Travel Photo Galleries 2--The Sequel!

Send me e-mail!