Samos, the most beautiful Island in Greece

Piko and Kaptain Ouzo This beautiful drawing from samos island was painted by
Irmi Nerge

samos island is coming up in four languages, please make your choice.
Die Insel Samos wird Ihnen in vier Sprachen vorgestellt, bitte waehlen Sie.
Σας προσφερουμε το νησι Σαμου σε tεσσερις γλοσσες, παρακαλω διαλεξετε.

samos GBenglish samos Ddeutsch samos GRGreek samos NLDutch

Well folks, inside of this Page you will find information about our beautiful island Samos, as well some links, we think, you should visit for even more photos and related information. We ourselves will not be here this winter. We take off to Thailand and follow the sun for once. Since eight years we didn't feel like going on holidays, so now it's time. We wish all our friends a nice winter and we hope to see you all again next year in our Cocktailbar.

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samos page - Last updated 10.11.99