I hope you like it [either way it's still going stay here], if you have any thing to say about it, just email me I suppose. I have that ICQ status symbol down the bottom somewhere, I am on that too sometimes [but I don't think it likes to work]. I have cable now, so I will be on the net probably more often than I usually am. I may seem online, but may actually NOT be, as I do 'get out' often, and am fairly busy.
Don't overlook the Poot link at the top of the page, that is the most symbolic thing on this whole web site [that remains true, and shall do so beyond the future of time that you could even comprehend as a mere mortal].
And to another sponser,
So you think you're a wise guy hey.. Think you're high and mightly slanting on the ramp there behind the glass. ohh yeh. Damn straight. I was lying about the new website, well, I did actually start it, and it was going well. In fact I was writing a short story that got quite interesting, about a young fellow named Poot.. I could bring that story here if I got a call to do it, but it's pretty boring for most people (although it's not ghey, like you may think). Check these links out..
Struggling to find that bride for the keeping? Click here!
Check ya! I'm off on 17/1/05 ok.
Yes the new site is underway, although I think in December I will start putting a lot of effort in to it. For the meanwhile, here are some photos from the CODA gig I was recently at..
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I'm gonna start a new web page since citing a particular entry in my guestbook!!!! I dunno what theme it will take, but it will be different. I'll use Frontpage, so expect something really cool bro. Although it may not work coz I'll still be pretty new to using it. Anyway, perhaps in 2 weeks I'll have it ready, because now is NOT a good time. See ya.
My God, I do bless the souls of all who read this. I do think all would have given up on this by now. I know it really has been too long, but just soo much has been happening, ohhh let me tell you so.
Darren Hanlon played at the Metro on Friday 8 February. He only played a short gig, many of the songs coming from the anticipated album which comes out on 18 March. He is playing a few gigs for the release of the album, of course at the Metro again, on 4 April. I'm sure it will be full of smiles and, well, you know how it gets when Dazza plays his stuff.
Spearhead are coming back as you all should really know by now. There's a show at the Enmore on 11 March, thanks Franks for getting my ticket. It will no doubt be another amazing performance. Can't wait for that one!
I shouldn't say it here, but anyway, I went to South Africa for the month of January. Quite a good experience it was, and I am sure I will get some photos of it when I have them all collated. We spent just under 3 weeks in the bush/wildlife/safari, whatever you call it, and that was probably the best of it. You can never see what is over there anywhere else. The whole experience though seemed to make the world seem smaller, yet so much more divided. Hard to explain that one, but if anyone knows what it's like there, you'd probably understand.
Anyway I bought heaps of music back with me. One coming from a band local to South Africa, but internationally acclaimed. That is, of course, Ladysmith Black Mambazo. They did come to Sydney near the end of last year, they even got a review in the Drum, those avid readers should know. They have many many albums, check them out in that green folder of every band and album that most CD stores have. I doubt any CD store in Australia would have all their albums. But my point is, they are yet another astounding band. The band is mostly men, if not all, and of course they are all black, and from the town 'Ladysmith'. I'm sure you can research them on the web; they do a lot of stuff for the World Cup in Rugby Union. They would sound awesome live at a stadium.
Other music I got was Metallica's 'Creeping Death' EP and their album 'Master of Puppets'. Pixies released a CD complete with B-sides, which is worth it for any Pixies fan. I also got Tom Waits - 'Mule Variations', Ryan Adams - 'Gold', Foo Fighters - 'Nothing left to lose', I think that's all.
Recently I've been listening out for a Sydney guy named David Lane. He often plays at the small venues around Sydney, although for the next 6 weeks he is touring with 'The Church'. I highly recommend his album - 'Put me in a taxi'. I must admit, I spent about 3-4 months trying to find that album, but my day finally came yesterday. I purchased George's single of 'Breathe in now' which I do think is a nice song. The rest of the single has some stuff by Tyrone, which is a change. I purchased their single 'Run' last year, just before Christmas. Their album, 'Polyserena' will be out on 18 March, so it'd be a good buy I think. Try and pre-order it to get a poster too!
See what I mean, so much has been happening. And now that I've enrolled at uni again (for the LAST time!), it's gonna start all over again. Oh which reminds me, The Strokes - 'Is this it?', well, I shant say any more. Except that it's a fantastic album. They are getting so much airplay, and that's for a reason - they're good. I must admit, they do play the same way for all their songs (-Zoe), but it's still such unique stuff, there's no way any other band could get away with that kind of music.
Also, look out for Ed Harcourt and Turin Brakes, both male artists, getting plenty airplay with their new tracks. They aren't related, but I think their music fits into the same genre - whatever that is. Kinda similar music to George, but without Katy.
And my sister says that INXS remix is a good song, but I told her that she should listen to the original stuff first, and then see how good that is. That's what coming of the future though. The songs we grew up with will simply be remixed into something to fit that generation. And fair enough I say. We are all so lucky to have such an array of music in our lives though. Should we have been born only 50 years before we actually were, well, we'd be senile now, but we wouldn't be exposed to even HALF the music we have had today. So give thanks to the music industry and all those musicians who have contributed. Allah, Amen, Achoo!.
Hello boys and girls, yet more stuff has been put up here in the last few days. Last week I put up photos from the Melbourne where I saw Cold Play with Megan. The link to the page is above this, as I'm sure you know. There was a review of Cold Play's gig at the Enmore I think it was in Sydney in the Drum Media last week, so if you can get it and read if you're interested. There is also an article on Muse about their new album, Origin of Symmetry. I think I'll buy it in 2 weeks.
Recently I bought Rufus Wainright's recent album - 'Poses'. He featured on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack, the song in Canadian/French is sung by Mr Wainright. I think he's pretty cool, kinda reminds me of Cordrazine, well I like the combination of the piano and vocals (I suppose!).
I finally bought Metallica's 'Black' album last week, and that rocks, but I knew it would, as you would know too. Last month I bought the Doves cd - 'Lost souls', and that is also a pretty good album. And I purchased the Austrlian tour edition of Cold Play's 'Parachutes', including the bonus disc with Sparks, Careful where you stand, Yellow - acoustic, and See you soon. I just noticed that I've cracked the CD case for the Cold Play CD.. HHMMMM!!!!!!! Yeah whatever. And the CD's before then I wrote about on the 'stuff' page.
Wembly's web page is constantly changing, so check it out like once a week or something, I'm sure he would love ya for it. He's got many an interesting fact (or myth) there I think, so yeah, I endorse it.
Ok I need something new to be done to this page, because it is too full of links, especially the above ones, so what I think I'll do is create another link to the older ones (and leaving the important ones above). I will also put in some new stuff too.
I just got back from Cairns today, and I designed a new web page when I was there, but I put it up on a new URL, but it shouldn't make any difference to your cyber experience. Click here
Well McVeigh [the poem he left - Invictus (1875)] has been murdered by the US government, HIH has gone down, Moulin Rouge has hit the screens and the CD charts, One-tel: that's just a sad story, yet politicians still try to fool us with their measly promises and attempts at making the nation a better place. Welcome to the new era of today. Here is a poem, written by two annonymous characters.
I sit upon the bowl of life
Creating works of bottom art
The silence broken only when
I let loose with a ripper fart
The china or ceramic rim
So cold against my under-thigh
Delights my soul and so I reach
For one more sheet of triple ply
At last I stand and walk alway
Flushed with success and flushed of face
But pity the poor bastard who
Is next to venture to that place
My face is relaxed in relief
I walk away with pace so swift
my pace quickens, my pulse on the rise
for it is i who knows the smell will drift
I stop and turn and hurry back
I feel my stomach start to groan
I was not finished, it would seem
So back again upon the throne
I cannot breathe - my lungs won't work
I fear the fear creep in my soul
I reach beside and find a cure:
The humble can of aerosole
warm i sit upon the seat
things begin to happen next to my feet
then i turn and look to the ground
'oh shit' ive left the toilet seat down
Too late I find the simple truth
That could have stilled this mortal fear
Rich food and booze: you're sure to lose
Damn that curry. Damn that beer.
in a panic i stretch my legs
forgetting im not yet half way there
so things get messy and really stinky
and down my leg drips an inky
So I hope you enjoy that one boys and girls and Hobbits, comments can be neatly proposed to myself in the guestbook, which I leave the creativity up to you to. And so we let time carry on to a new era, perhaps one of more truth and insightfulness into the art of the English language, literature, and pure beauty.
Ok well, a long time has passed before us. Firstly, I no longer work at that photo lab, and now I'm at a migration consulting place. Augie is still doing well, that downup gland is causing him grief, thwarting his abilities to regulate the air flow to manouvre vertically. Poor guy, but he will be ok. Uni is pretty busy, I have just written a big essay for organisational psychology on injustices in the workplace, and retaliatory behaviours.
I was supposed to see the Ataris not so long ago, but unfortunately missed them due to illness. I was going to see Next to Nothing last night, but missed that one too. Uni should be keeping me pretty busy in the next few weeks.
Oh and I got an email direct from George, the band, and they have asked if my photos can be put up on their official website, with credit given there. Not bad huh!
I saw Jackie O play at Macquarie University not so long ago, and please note that yes, Mick Hart is coming to Mac uni on May 14th, probably at 1pm. This hasn't been advertised in the Drum anywhere at all in the past several weeks, and that's probably because they 'money makers' want you to go to see him at the Metro, where it WILL cost money to watch the performance. So yeah, come along to the uni, just walk to the centre of the uni, there's a bit of grass with a few trees near the union buildings, and if it's raining, walk INTO the union buildings, and follow the sound, ask someone where the BAR is (those of you with natural instincts need not worry).
I've canned my old mobile phone with Telstra, and now I'm with Optus. I've canned my 182 month long relationship with Westpac, and now I'm with St George, so that's why I removed the link to Westpac from the links page. So yeah, I still am yet to upload some New Zealand photos, I will try to do so like when I can, I'm sorry, I have been so slack, and stuff, but yeah, I do actually have a life outside the internet, but that doesn't mean yee who read this are any less important.
The Human Dilemma
To seek something and not know
of its whereabouts or appearance.
One may search far and wide,
and may only realise that the journey itself
is more important than the goal.
If ones heart is set free
by this realisation, then one has found
their purpose,
and has actualised their self,
and is happy.
So yeah, I'll be back.
Oh listen to Elephant Gun. They have an album called Albino, it's a pretty cool album. I just found out I type at 57 words/min with 1% error. Ohh cool man.. Hahah. Augie is doing quite well, I think now is the time for him to meet other types of his species. He needs a social support. Anyway, I put several new links up on the links page, nothing exciting, just for the benefit of me really.
Oh and I have a direct link to the current tax rates if anyone is interested.
Hello all, happy birthday to Jo and the other Joe today!! I was on JJJ last night if anyone heard me. Oh and I think Moby is not going to make it through today, so its very sad, and I need condolances. I'm listening to Tex Perkins at the moment, he has a cool voice - 'you can't change love with geography'. Anyway, here's a poem by W.B Yeats which I liked.
A Drinking Song
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
For references sake, I got it from here, there are alot of his other poems up on the web too, just go here for W.B Yeats.
I have just put up a new poem on the poetry page called Truth of a Heartbeat. I wrote it only a few months back, the first half written about a week before the latter half. And I updated the guestbook as Wembly noted it was needed (Thanks Sir W).
Today is the 40th birthday of the Australian contreceptive pill. Oh and the recent hottest 100 list came out on the net, with Gomez coming in #35 and #38. Powderfinger topped it with My Happiness.
I may be going to see the Offspring in March I think, and I will definately see the Ataris in April.
Email me if you have read "The boy who kicked pigs" by Tom Baker.
Richard Clibborn has been working on his long awaited second album, and also on a choice new website, so take a look, and listen to one of his tracks, Red Surf, if you want (it is zipped, so to listen to the mp3 you have to unzip it first). He said his album, DSA, is planned to be completed by the end of 2001. He released Snapshots about 2 years ago, I quite liked it, and some of you may be familiar with it.
I fixed up those photos that scanned badly yesterday, so that should be fine now. Such photos include several sunrise ones on the sun page, tallows beach mentioned below, and the third George page I have.
Back from New Zealand now, very tired and my bones hurt. If you go to New Zealand, drink Speights, or DB Draught. I was quite impressed with those two, on tap. I will start putting up some photos asap. Ian has his digital photos, which when I get I may put a few of those up too.
Bad news for Augie March, the keyboard player Rob Dawson died in a car crash on 2nd January. Purchase the single of "There's no such place" to hear him play piano and do backing vocals, unless you have the album of course. That album was their debut, released in August 2000 I think. Read article if you are interested.
And if you are into some local Sydney music, listen to Carly Kling, and just to note, James largely contributes to the compilation of these tracks too.
The photos that I have scanned today, like the new George ones, the Tallows beach one below, & sunrise ones have turned out pretty bad, so I will leave them as they are now, and just replace the file when I get a better image.
In December I went up to MacMasters beach in the Central Coast, and I took a couple photos, one of Tallows beach, which some of us ex Pius people know all about.
This is my art I have put on Tim and Ian's fridge.
Choice new year to all. I'm going to New Zealand in January, must brush up on the language ey, sweet as. University offers come out like in two days, good luck to those people, like James, Nick, and there are the rest of you. And even if things don't go as planned, there are probably better ways to go.
I really to have lots of photos I want to put up, perhaps I will have some time in February to do so, or when I get back from NZ. There is much catching up to do. My apologies to bro, the regular local of Page le Poot.
Or write stuff in the guest book