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Current Update (1/14/2004)

Our move to Bogor is completed! It wasn't that fun but then again it wasn't al that bad.

The packing up the house in Bandung went very smoothly. After everything was pretty much packed up we headed to the beach for a few days with some close friends. When we returned we loaded up the truck and headed to Bandung.

This is where is got a bit interesting. The truck left before us around 10 and we left around 11. We arrived in Bogor 3 hours later expecting to meet the truck along the way. The truck didn't arive until around 6 pm about a half hur after the heavy rains began. This is a daily thing during the rainy season which we hoped to miss. Dispite the assurance of the moving company and  the 3 large traps on top of the truck much of our stuff was soaking wet.

We did get it all dried out and now the house is looking pretty good. Its still Indonesia but there is a lot thats different about where we are. First its much hotter. Secondly its much quieter neighborhood here (fewer mosques but more barking dogs). However the thing we feel the most is the lack of close friends. Once again we have moved away from some good friends who we will really miss. Only this time most of them are only 3 hrs away instead of 24 hours away like those we left in March of 1997.





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Seth's Old page

Jochum USA

Jochum Indo

Click here to see Kerrie & Seth featured in a Hush Puppies Brochure




Thanks for stopping by,



Our Mailing Address: Email us at:

P.O. Box 6414/BDCD
Bandung, West Java 40162A Indonesia

This site was last revised on 8/1/2002 and best viewed by MS Internet Explorer at 800x600 resolution.