Go to new website at  fbisretirees.org    

Retirees and Friends

Keep in touch, get back in touch.  E-mail addresses, city and state, and
sometimes news of a get-together. No one will be listed without permission.
Send me a message if you would like to be added, or know someone who might.
BUREAU PHOTOS (Photo contributions welcome, by e-mail or regular mail--will return.  Also collecting photos of youth at bureaus(NEXT GENERATION) as an experiment. We have several of Okinawa.)

    Webmeister: dlmarsh3@juno.com
    Photomeister: Rebekah Jewell

Cyprus Turkish monitor Basharan published on a web site a vivid account of the Cyprus crisis and         evacuation.  Found by accident in a search.  Read.

A note from Gary Kessler on family news and his editing.  click

New address for Bill and Esther Hadden 2mkulu@bellsouth.net

George Chestnut died April 20 at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington at 89.  He joined FBIS early in World War II before serving in Naval Intelligence.  obituary

Ed Duin died March 21  at The Virginian retirement home in Fairfax.  obituary

Latest addition:  Bernie Bloom, who worked in FCS (Field Coverage Staff) under Chuck Zimmer around 1976, then from 1978-1982 was the Staff Cruising Officer at Okinawa under Art Lambert.  He transferred to Hq components, having tours in Frankfurt and Manila before retiring in 1994.  Now enjoying sunny Florida.  E-mail  DIRECTOR@NationalDomainService.com

As previously reported, Charles Sklarewitz passed away July 28, 2006.  His son Michael just sent the report that on March 2 the Oceanside, CA department of Harbor & Beaches dedicated a bench at the harbor in Chuck's honor as a "Senior Volunteer", and presented to the family a plaque bearing his badge. photos

Annual lunch at the Tivoli Dec. 13, 2006.  photos

Familiar faces at a wedding reception for Kate Zimmer & John Meredith.  photos

Some 330 retirees and present employees celebrated Apr. 23 at the Dulles Hilton, with keynote address by Director Doug Naquin of the Open Source Center.  Details, photos.
 On Jan. 10 CBS ran in its 6:30 news a brief reporton the new center.  Text of report.

  WEDNESDAY LUNCH   In a decades-long tradition, Washington area retirees and friends meet for lunch once a month at a restaurant,
currently ALFIO'S TRATTORIA in Friendship Heights.   The second Wednesday of every Winter month--September through May.
To join this inclusive gathering on any second Wednesday call organizer Paul Cree at (301) 564-0296 or e-mail
so he can reserve space.
NamesA - K

Names L- Z

Next Generation & Friends












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