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Hassan Family's Home Page



This web site will give you information about the activities of our three beloved kids, Zainab (born in 1994), Mehreen (born in 1996) and Arsalan (born in 1998). The page is maintained and updated by the kids themselves. In this site you will find the following;


(Arsalan, Zainab, Mehreen and their friend Fatima)

Mom& Dad
Zainab's Corner

Zainab Hassan loves to read. She is Grade-4 at PS-116, New York. Last year, she read 120 books.




Mehreen's Hut


Mehreen is in Grade-2. She goes to the same school with her sister Zainab. She loves to write stories, fiction and non-fiction.

All About dog by Mehreen

Arsalan's Den

Arsalan has just been graduated from pre-nursery and will be joining PS-116 this year in Kindergarten.



Photo Gallery

We have a good collection of Photos. Let us share with you.


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