Americans in Toulouse

You will find AIT's current website at You will be redirected there in a moment, or you can click on the link.

Americans in Toulouse (AIT) is a non-profit, English-speaking expatriate service and social organization run exclusively by volunteers. AIT welcomes families, couples and individuals of all nationalities, living in or visiting the Toulouse area, whatever the length of their stay. AIT fosters friendships, offers support and exchanges useful information for anyone relocating or contemplating relocation to or from the Toulouse area in order to ease their assimilation into a new country, city, language and culture.

Our goal is to help each individual enjoy to the fullest their host community as well as to provide educational, social, and cultural experiences from both the home and host countries.

AIT publishes a monthly newsletter, a guidebook to Toulouse entitled, "The Art of Living in Toulouse" and maintains an extensive web site, Contact: