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Dear all, 

I have been writing my dissertation and preparing for the first presentation on Oct. 2.  Anyway, I wish to graduate as soon as possible that I need to finish my dissertation first, and that's why I have to temporarily stop building this site.  Sorry for the inconvenience. 

The new website will integrate my profile, impressive introduction of Taiwan scenery and some traveling information,  some diary, online photo album, my traveling notes (my thoughts and some interesting culture shock.... etc..) and so on.  I will draw and do more graphics to embellish this new web site.  From the wallpaper to all the icons and animation will be all handmade.  I will decorate my "new house" with all these.  I love arts.  I had been sent to a private Art Institute for learning drawing and painting since I was a kid, now I just wish to draw and learn more often. 

Oh, and by the way, I will add more pics on my online photo album( the one I ever sent you guys an individual guest password for visiting).  Including the DPA (where I worked part-time) pics, and more traveling pics.  I am planning to go traveling abroad during this winter vacation, maybe southern Europe, cause I think even that is also part of Europe, there must be many things different with other European countries.  But this world is sooooo big, I wish to visit New Zealand or Australia as well, even there is also western culture, but it must be much different with Europe I think, that's why I plan to go there, too.  So I am now in a dilemma, wa.....  Anyway, I will add those traveling pics.  Oh and I plan to buy a digital camera, maybe BenQ, cause it has a lot of functions, besides taking pics(6,000,000 pixels), you can also use it as a portable disc, a MP3 player, and many other cool functions. 

Not until I finish the presentation on Oct. 2 will I have time to complete the new site. I will upload the new site within  next January.  I already have goals, and after the presentation is over, I have to carry out other plans as well.  I never feel so bright about future like I feel during these days.  And I am also so happy to have you honest, sweet and sincere ppl as friends (and thank you Matthias).  Anyway, gonna post this new information right now(and I am so tired fixing the toilet today....sigh...), so gonna go now, and  feel free to contact me on MSN/ICQ/Yahoo or by phone or knocking my door or in any other ways later haha, see ya guys there ;) Take care, I love you all !!!


Sandietje in Happiness  2004.09.08


           I have finished my first presentation on 10/2, and thanks god, it went very smoothly. Therefore, here I'll give the link to the PPT file of the presentation.  And also post the outline of my dissertation in the end. Currently, I'm searching and collecting more and more data, information, books and thesis about the subject of my dissertation.  My next presentation will be in next April.  (So far, I finished Chapter one, and in following 8 months, I will finish most of it.)

           And by the way, just at this noon(12:08), a big earthquake (scale 7= its  vibration power equals to 16 atomic bombs) occurred.  It was the most serious earthquake after 921 earthquake(1999), but thanks god that the center was at the outside sea area of my hometown, Yi-lan.  However, it was horrible enough.  It kept shaking for over 1 minute.  In the beginning, it was shaking up-and-down, and later it changed into left-and-right.  Compared with 921, this earthquake is much calm.  It only caused some explosion and incidents, but generally speaking, it didn't do too much damage to Taiwan.  Oh and as for the highest building in the world - Taipei 101, it's also safe and fine, no one was hurt.  I didn't get hurt, either.  Actually I was changing clothes when the earthquake occurred, wondering whether I should keep taking off this clothes (in case it was just a small earthquake) or put on the clothes back soon (in case it was a serious earthquake and I would have to run out of the house...Anyway, even death, I don't wish to be found naked-_-|||).  I still remember I was also changing clothes and thinking about the same questions when 921 earthquake happened 5 years ago, what a coincidence ! ha ha...

          Oh, tell you guys some good news released just on yesterday- according to the Global Competitiveness Report announced the WEF, Taiwan's ranking is No. 4, hee hee. The Top 10 rankings are Finland, USA, Sweden, Taiwan, Denmark, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Japan and Iceland.  As you can see from the list, northern Europe countries are very prospective, and so is Taiwan, which is the only one Asian country  in the Top 5.  

          As for the Asian rankings, just as the following - Taiwan(no.4), Singapore(no.7), Japan(no.9), HongKong(no.21), Korea(no.29), Maylasia(no.31), Thailand(no.34), China(no.46), India(no.55), Indonesia(no.69), Philipines(no.76) and Vietnam(no.77).  China's ranking is 46, it reminded me of what Wang Dan said in his recent press conference.  He said in the following 5~10 years, Chinese government will made some big mistake, and the society of China will have a thoroughgoing change.  There are many reasons, such as the extreme difference between the rich and the poor, and the incubating desire of racial-determination in many regions of China... etc.  When I was listening to his press conference, it reminded me of the Tuibeitu again, just like what it indicated, in 2007~2015, Chinese government will make a very serious mistake to infuriate its people, and in the following years, the current China will be divided into 9 pieces of countries( just like Russia or something like the confederation) as Chin Dynasty.  Anyway, the racial-determination is the trend of world.  As for Taiwan's independence, that will be the matter of about 2027.  Oh at that time, I will be in my fifties, sitting in the warm couch with my older husband, watching the TV news reporting the news about the independence, while my sons are fixing the great dinner for celebrating, and my grandchildren are running and playing around us... hahaha... What a beautiful and sweet image....  

             Okay, back to the present, a few days ago, Joanne persuaded me into trying Skype again, so I reinstalled Skype, and haven't uninstalled it so far, haha.  My Skype ID is "Sandietje", if anyone of you is using it as well, feel free to add me.  It's quite cheaper than using the phone, to be more exactly, it's totally free, so we can save more money, hee.  And its transmit of voice is not as unstable as MSN or other online messenger, it's very very clear and stable.

            Oh by the way, does any one of you know the kings of convenience, I found its "I'd rather dance with you" sounds so relaxing and interesting, you may try to listen to the clip played on their website ;) Just click to enter, and it is playing this song ...(Or try downloading this file, it's only 64 bytes, less than 1 kb)

            Anyway, I have to go to bed earlier, since we'll have a welcome party next night. So bye for now.  Good night ! Have nice dreams.  



Sandietje in Bright Happiness   2004.10.15


The Relationship between the Right of Collective Self-defense and PKO Law

Focusing on International Law and Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution

  Huang, Hsin-yi


Chapter 1   Preface



Chapter 2   The Right of Collective Self-defense of the United Nations

§ The Provision of the UN Security

§ The Collective Security System of the United Nations

§ The Definition of Individual/Collective Self-defense in International Law


Chapter 3   The Peace-keeping Operations of the UN and Japan’s participation

§ The Development of the Peace-keeping Operations of the UN

§ The Laws Relating to PKO Formulated and Passed by Japanese Parliament

§ The Participation of Japan’s SDF in PKO


Chapter 4   The Background of the Formulation, General Situation, Problems and  

                  Amendment of the PKO Law

§ The Background of the Formulation of the PKO Law

§ The Content and Instances of the PKO Law

§ The Meaning of the PKO Law

§ The Problems of the PKO Law

§ The Amendment of the PKO Law



Chapter 5   The Right of Self-defense in International Law and in the Constitution of Japan

§ The meaning of the No-War Treaty (the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928) and Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution

§ The Definition and Comments of the Right of Individual/Collective Self-defense made by Japanese Government and the Academic Circles

§ The Formulation and the Problems of US-Japan Security Treaty

§ The Change of the US-Japan Military Relationship after the 911 Incident Its Relationship between the Right of Collective Self-defense in Japan’s Constitution


Chapter 6   The Relationship between the Right of Collective Self-defense and PKO Law

§ The Relationship between the PKO Law and the Law Concerning the Special Measures on Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance in Iraq

§ The Problems of the Participation of Japan’s SDF in IraqResearching from the Viewpoints of International Law

§ The Problems of the Participation of Japan’s SDF in IraqResearching from the Viewpoints of the Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution                       


Chapter 7   Conclusion 

Copyright © 2004 Huang, Hsin-yi. All rights reserved.


History of the Background Music

Current(2004.10.26) Lisa Ono Malaika In order to play this song, please download RealPlayer from
4 (2004.10.17) Kings of Convenience I'd rather dance with you In order to play this song, please download RealPlayer from Or just go to
3 (2004.10.10) Utada Hikaru Easy Breezy In order to play these songs, you need to download RealPlayer from
2 (2004.09.27) Avril Lavigne My Happy Ending In order to play these songs, you need to download RealPlayer from
1 (2004.07.28) Hsu, Hui-hsin Ai qing kang ti In order to play these songs, you need to download RealPlayer from