Hafa Adai Todos !
Welcome to my webpage
Hawaiian Guitar Music Site Under Construction
"Take me back to the island in the sea."
Ack come on Guam is bigger than that!
Guam Guitar Music Site Soon to Come
Official Guahan Website
Welcome to my website.  I am currently living in Portland, Oregon finishing a degree in engineering.  I dedicate this page to all of my family members on Guam and to all my friends.  I miss the island a great deal but what hurts the most is the feeling of being away from the family.  So to this website I keep my connection to my island of Guam.  My home.
Click on the picture above to view great photos of Guam. 
I would like to thank everyone at home for making Melissa's and my stay the best in a very very long time.  Thanks mom and dad for everything.  Coming to Guam was more than the vacation I had planned.  It was good to be home and that feeling is dearly missed.  Love you all and God bless.  I made another family picture page with some photos I took.  Be sure to check it out. 
About Me
Portland State University
Congressman Underwood's Page
Guam Pictures.....
Portland, OR
Nasa's Webpage
I have a cool family down in the valleys of California.  Visalia is near Fresno and not that far from Magic Mountain.  The Cali page is still under construction but you can check it out.
Here's a sunset overlooking Tumon bay.
This was taken New Years eve of 1999.
The sun goes down with the 20th century
and the dawn of the 21st is still to come.
Guam was the first U.S. soil to welcome the New Year.
Guam Pictures Late 1999 Early 2000