Pepe's Home Page

Welcome to my web page. What do you think? I'm surprised I got this far also.

If you are an employer and would like to review my resume, here it is: R E S U M E

If you are an employer and would like to read a generic cover letter, here it is: C O V E R

If you are not an employer and looked at my resume there will be repercussions.

These are some pictures I have:

Here's a link to my favorite music group R A G E

This is a link to a sports radio program that I listen to often: jungle

Aqui es donde trabajo, pero la pagina todavia no esta construida Tortilleria

After December this address will no longer have my web page. If I ever have the patience to try to learn how to redo all of this again, I think my new address will be /jcorral728. Here is a link to it: Pepe

Here is another:Pepe

These are three pictures that I took on my trip to Yosemite. I took more photos but these were the only ones that scanned ok. If I had had a real camara perhaps the quality would have been better. Overall though, I was happy having these three as a memory of my trip.
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Updated on May 6, 2006 - JLC