

Welcome Aboard Yacht Seagoon....


Cruising the forgotten islands of Papua New Guinea
and the Solomon Islands....



Night Watch at Sunset



WHERE ARE WE NOW....? We are still in Cairns, Rachel will finish Uni November 2009, I we will be cruising again in 2010 while Rachel is doing her Post Grad at Cairns Hospital, departure Cairns May 3rd for PNG and Solomon Islands is the plan so far. .


2008 made a electronic cruisng guide for PNGs Milne Bay and Solomon Islands using a NASA mrsid satelite picture as base ( Like having Google Earth onbord).Like to know more Email me.

SV Seagoon is a 38' cruising yacht sailing the east coast of Australia and the South Pacific.
We have room for 1 or 2 crew who are good company and can afford to pay their way.



Home   Crew with Us   Plans for 2007 - 2009   Your Skipper   See the Yacht   Photo Gallery   Links  



Contact via Email: svseagoon@yahoo.com

Phone in Australia 0417 454187, outside Oz +61417 454187