The First Ever Elche - Elx Home Page Logo



Elche skyline by Albarranch

1 Year on Internet

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The best starting point for a Virtual Tour around the city of Elche (Alicante), its history, social life, monuments, parks, etc... This page is a compilation of all WWW's Elche links, contains useful information for both residents and tourists and aims to be an interactive guide for cybernauts.

"The First Ever Elche - Elx Home Page" is a private, "non-profit" initiative of Ezequiel Sanchez
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One day we'll grow up and you will be able to read this Home Page in:


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Mare de Deu de L'Assumpcio

Elche is Past and Future

Set in the heart of the Costa Blanca, surrounded by palm trees yet looking to the Mediterranean, Elx offers a variety of pleasant surprises for the visitor. Its mild Mediterranean climate enjoying fresh sea breezes, its valuable cultural and ecological heritage, its fiestas and popular traditions contrasting with the industrial infrastructure of the town, with its broad avenues and modern services, all form part of the principal attractions of the town.


On this Home Page you can find information on:

Press Releases


New York Times

Diario Información

Diario La Verdad

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If you are writing about Elche you can get a ZIP file with the whole html pages to use them in your work (you just need to mention the source).

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Information concering Elche was first included on the internet on19th December 1995. The final version of this page was published on 20th February 1996 and since then the contents have been updated quarterlly.

Sagüell D'EligThis Home Page has been Awarded with the "Sagüell de la Vila d'Elig" by the Patronato Histórico, Artístico y Cultural d'Elig for promoting the culture of the city.

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Thank you very much for your messages supporting this initiative.

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Send me an e-mail / ADD your URLElche ressources on the Internet are growing exponentially. This Home Page can constitute an unique way to have them summarized and organized if you know of any ressource not listed below, please do not hesitate to contact me and it will be inmediantely included.

Trying to think why do we find this page on the Internet I have come out with the wisdom of Pere Ibarra iRuiz who found out 100 hundred years ago what would I think today:
"Ser útil a sus semejantes, ha sido es y será siempre, el más noble, digno y levantado objeto de los hombres que, dedicados al estudio, cifren todas sus aspiraciones en descubrir la verdad y ponerla de manifiesto… Por eso, hijos míos al dedicaros estas sencillas y breves páginas donde he procurado referir nuestros episodios más sobresalientes, describir nuestros más suntuosos edificios y anotar nuestras más honoríficas grandezas, mercedes y privilegios, hánme movido dos impulsos. Es el primero, daros a conocer prontamente, a vosotros, los hombres de mañana, la historia de Elche, de nuestros padres, de nuestro ayer. Y es el segundo, que me sirva de ligero ensayo y abra el tenebroso camino, para con la ayuda de Dios, escribir la que tengo en estudio y que dedicaré a los hombres de hoy. Recibid, cariñosos, este pequeño y perfumado ramillete de flores escogidas del hermoso jardín ilicitano"
Historia de Elche
Pere Ibarra iRuiz, May 1895

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© 1996 -Ezequiel Sanchez Foto  Ezequiel Sanchez Cascales Last revision: 1st September 1998