Wanderlust I:
Cuernavaca, Mexico--10/29/98 to 11/17/98
Wanderlust II:
Central Mexico--11/17/98 to 12/21/98
Wanderlust III:
Central and Southern Mexico--12/21/98 to 01/20/99
Wanderlust IV Part 1:
Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras--01/20/99 to 02/11/99
Wanderlust IV Part 2:
Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama--02/11/99 to 04/12/99
Wanderlust V:
Colombia and Venezuela--04/12/99 to 05/14/99
Wanderlust VI:
Colombia, Part II--05/14/99 to 07/01/99
Wanderlust VII:
Ecuador--07/01/99 to 07/27/99
Wanderlust VIII:
Peru and Bolivia--07/27/99 to 08/29/99
Wanderlust IX:
Wanderest: Teaching English in Brazil 08/29/99 to 12/16/99
Wanderlust X:
Brazil--12/16/99 to 03/19/00

Welcome to Billy Schafer’s
Wanderlust Website!

What is Wanderlust? Webster's says: "an instinctive impulse or great desire to rove or travel about". It was something like that indeed that motivated me to leave my home in Houston, Texas in October 1998 for an 18-month world sojourn. I’ve chronicled this trip though a series of newsletters called ‘Wanderlust’ -- ten installments in all.

Why a "Wanderlust" Website? A couple reasons. First, I was frequently adding new friends and curious others to a snowballing and unwieldy group email list—the practical value of a website to distribute my newsletters became obvious. Secondly, I want to share my travelogues with as many others as possible in the hopes that they will inspire and encourage wanderlust in others. I believe that the world becomes a better place when people travel, so let's have more of it.

For my own part I can say that taking off to travel has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. As you can see here, it's paid me back in volumes.

In the coming months I plan to add to this website, posting practical tips and knowhow for those planning or considering a wanderlust-inspired journey. Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated. And if you’ve enjoyed or benefited from this site, please, tell a friend!

Thanks and God speed,

Billy Schafer

Special Note: For authenticity's sake, issues of Wanderlust appear in their orignal form--that means, still rife with heeps of typos and spelling bloopers that resulted from their having been speed-typed in internet cafes.




Last update: October, 2000
Web design by Robert Jumonville and Billy Schafer