Welcome to this research project into cognitive recall. The approach is very simple - you are asked to follow straight forward procedures and feed in information when you like and as often as you wish. The results collected will be summarised and presented as often as possible so that you can see how the project is developing. In outline the research brief is:
THE TASK -To investigate the recall of suggested items/details from an unconscious or semi-conscious state. If you can remember something in a dream, this could prove the effectiveness  of one or more stimuli.
METHOD - You will receive an e-mail asking you to follow some simple instructions for the next few days. You are then asked to visit this site and fill in a simple form when you have recalled a dream. Then you can repeat the exercise.
RESULTS - These will be used to develop a website for a charity, making it as attractive and effective as possible with symbols and colours.
TIMESCALE - The project will run for the next year or so. To take part simply click on the Complete Response Form link opposite, enter your E-mail address and enter Y in the last box. We will send you details.
--Thank you for your interest--
Latest Results
Please click on one of these links:
Complete Response Form
How You Can Be Involved
View Research Results
How Dreams Can Help You
Project Organiser
Name: Andrew Thomson