The Bytown Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded on January 25, 1985. The Chapter's name honours the City of Ottawa's history. Until the mid 19th century, Ottawa was known as Bytown having been named for Lt. Col. John By who built the Rideau Canal.
In the early 1800s, before the arrival of the railroad, the Rideau Canal was a major transportation route and water link between Lake Ontario and Montreal. Today, the Canal is a unique recreational facility and tourist attraction for our City.
On December 31, 1857, Queen Victoria named Ottawa the capital of Canada. Bytown and Colonel By are synonymous with Ottawa, and by having the name of Bytown for our Chapter, we honour our City and Region.

(Rideau Canal, Ottawa)
To participate actively as a volunteer in efforts to preserve American heritage through education.

(Eastern White Pine)
To preserve the memory and tradition of your own Revolutionary ancestors in a permanant genealogical record for the sake of future generations.
To take an active part in the work of the Overseas units to promote American and Canadian relations in fostering love of country.
To meet new people with similar interests and develop friendships.
Requirements for Membership: We welcome new members and invite all those interested in joining the DAR in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec to contact us. Our members share a proven lineage and heritage as a descendant of a patriot of the American Revolution. American citizenship is not a requirement. The chapter is located in the National Capital area of Canada.

(Tulip Festival, Ottawa)
DAR education certificates, medals, and bursaries are given annually to students in the National Capital region upon graduation from High School with a top grade in American History or Canada within a North American Perspective. Our members hope, in giving these awards, to encourage students with their knowledge of American History and to further an understanding of Canadian American relations.
Current Chapter Officers
Daughters of the American Revolution Creed
Sites about the American Revolutionary War 1775-1783
Chapter Projects
About Ontario
National DAR
Units Overseas
Canadian Chapters:
Bytown Chapter, Ottawa, Ontario
Heritage Chapter, Calgary, Alberta
New Caledonia Chapter, Kelowna, British Columbia
Upper Canada Chapter, Toronto, Ontario