Ripples in the water

In November 2000, we cast the die, and became proud owners of Cinderella, a 38' catamaran.

We were fortunate to enjoy incredible sailing and cruising in the Bahamas with Cinderella, and although we're now landlocked in Montreal, we know we'll go back.

Join us , Isabelle and Claude, as we share the fun, the anxiety, all the emotions of pulling up the anchor of everyday life and letting the wind take us to where it may.

Was it difficult ? No. So for those who are hesitating, don't.
Maybe our story will help !

Cat Island Monastery, Bahamas, July 2001

Excerpt from the Log : After 3 months

It's now middle of March 2001, and we're back in the snow and cold and we can't wait to get back to Cinderella. I was able to spend 2 1/2 months on Cinderella, and Isabelle and the kids spent 3 weeks during XMas when we sailed the beautiful Exuma islands.

It was everything we had dreamed of : exciting sailing, beautiful anchorages, meeting other cruisers, and lots of hard work and stress (yep ! it's not all paradise, but a bad day sailing is better than a good day at the office !).

View the latest or the Sailing Log (loaded with pictures):

For a quick tour, Bahama's Preview has several pictures to give you a taste of how it was (it will take a few minutes to download)

Latest updates

Some thoughts and key learnings (learnt by doing it)

CeBe WebDesign November 12, 2007