We can't believe how quickly time is flying by! Charley is 19 months now and she is just full of energy. We can't believe how someone so little can tire us out so much! She just doesn't stop from the second her eyes open in the morning, until she falls asleep at night. She really is just like the energizer bunny...... She is talking non-stop, and can count to ten (although she usually skips 3 and 4). She is changing so quickly and learning so much each and every day- it's hard to keep up with her. She has memorized many of her books, and when she thinks we're not looking, she will sit and quietly 'read' the books to Carlos or Jake. As soon as she realizes were're paying attention, though, she gets embarassed and stops!
Charley has had a very busy month. Uncle Jimmy visited from Edmonton for 3 days in mid-March. The visit was short but sweet, and Charley was fascinated when she dropped Jimmy off at the airport to catch his airplane. Every time she has seen or heard an airplane since, she has happily exclaimed 'Uncle Jimmy' as she pointed to the sky. Apparently, in her mind, Jimmy is still flying around on the airplane!
Because Charley's daycare was closed for the week of spring break, we convinced Grandma and Grandpa to stick around and babysit for the week. They all had a great time, although 2 of them were particularly worn out by the end (you guess which two!). It was a wonderful week of firsts for Charley. She had her first boat ride when Grandpa took her on the harbour ferry. She also had her first real experience with construction equipment. In order to get to Grandma and Grandpa's house (the marina where their camper was parked), we had to go through some pretty heavy road construction, where she became interested in all the heavy equipment. Since then she has been fascinated by diggers, bull-dozers and dump trucks. Daddy and Grandpa took Charley to to the forestry museum, where she got to ride the train (another first), and 'drive' all the big trucks and equipment. Charley also had her first bus ride, which was an amazingly exciting event for her. We rode up to the University to look for the Easter Bunny (the campus is full of rather tame rabbits that roam free and keep the grass nice and short!). She is very interested in people, and carried on a steady commentary of what was going on with all the people on the bus, much to the amusement of our fellow passengers.
Charley is very excited because soon she will get to take an airplane ride! We are planning to spend the first two weeks of June visiting family and friends in Ontario, and can't wait to see all of you!
Please click on the links below to see some photos of Tornado Charley in action, and then sign our guestbook or email us and let us know what you think.
Take care and Love to all, Michelle, Stefan and Charley
© 2006 Rainbow Michelle Bennett
Charley, January and February 2005
Charley, December 2004
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