
Healthy Food Lovers


Japanese Food

Red Curry

Thai Food

About Japanese Food

About Thai Food

Let's make sushi

Let's cook Thai foods

Japanese restaurant in town

Thai restaurant in town

About me
Hiroyuki Watanebe

About me
Kulawee Janpayom

Request new recipe

Request new recipe

Any question about Japan and Thailand, please e-mail us, we'd love to find answer for you.

New!!! Our Baby Shower

Mail usMail us : kulawee@yahoo.com Hiroyuki Watanabe, Kulawee Janpayom

Thank you for visiting my Homepage, hope you have fun in cooking, enjoy eating, and stay healthy...bye...

This homepage had been created for education as part of the final project for HTML class

at Nashville State Technical Institute in Fall semester, 1999.

I also add some useful links that you can find more information about how to create web page, web school, free graphics, and new job.

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