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· Age: 36
· Date of birth: October 7, 1965
· Place of birth: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
· Current residence: Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
· Residence: 23 years
· Nationality: Canadian & Mexican
· Marital status: Married
· Children: 2

To form part of a solid company with a clear view of its future. To integrate a team that establishes strategies and puts them to work to accomplish the general objectives of the company, and thus contributing with each member to reach his or her personal goals.

April 1999 - current date
PROJECT MANAGER - Hong Ho Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
· Design and implementation of new procedures, logistics, systems and reports, while at the same time put in charge of the area where they were to be applied.
· Administration (with company Director):
- Formats for weekly reports for the management team including Administration, Import-Export, Finances, Purchasing, Human Resources, Payroll and overseas personnel documentation.
- Measures for better computer hardware and software usage.
· Human Resources (with HR Manager):
- Improvements to the workers' attendance control.
- Application of the "Head Count" (Human Resources inventory) report.
- Designing of other Human Resources reports.
· Fabric Production Control (with company Director and Knitting Manager):
- Cotton yarn and finished fabric inventory control.
- Production scheduling with the Knitting Manager who would assign the type and number of machines needed for each order.
- Raw material requirement calculation based on the production calendar and the type of fabric to be made.
- Purchasing of greige and dyed yarn, scheduling the shipments with the suppliers in order to meet the production needs previously determined.
- Control of all greige fabric sent to be dyed in Miami, Florida, reporting amount of each production order in process and in transit.
- Production and inventory reports comparing estimated time and material consumption with the actual results.
- Mexican market research to source for suppliers of cotton and synthetic yarn.
· Payroll (as Payroll Manager):
- Establishing internal procedures for better payroll cash control with auditable reports.
- Correction and completion of all the documentation for Social Security, and presentation for the dictamination of year 1999 and audits for 1999, 2000 and 2001.
- Implementation of new software for payroll and attendance control, in order to meet the company's needs regarding reports, data import and export and to reduce the time required for the preparation of the weekly payroll.
- Design and implementation of payroll reports for different uses (finances, audit, production, human resources and statistics).

1996 - 1998
· Sales and implementation of business administration software.
· V.A.R. (Value Added Retailer) of Crescendo - an integrated system made to control inventory, invoicing, accounts receivable, accounts payable and sales statistics. Includes analysis, minor programming and training in order to implement the program, and customize it according to each client’s particular needs.
· Training and advisory with Crescendo, Contpaq (accounting) and Nomipaq (payroll).
· Installation and customer support for business systems and commercial software (Windows, CorelDRAW, Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer and others).
· Installation and use of the Internet as a tool for communication and support. Implementation of simple internet tools to connect commercial companies with branch offices located in other cities.

· Sales and implementation of business administration software.
· V.A.R. (Value Added Retailer) of Crescendo.
· Training and advisory with Crescendo, Contpaq (accounting)
and Nomipaq (payroll).
· Computer hardware, software and accessories sales.
· Internet installations for new users of Dyred - a local ISP (Internet Service Provider).
· Co-administration of the company and supervision of the documentation before sending it to the accountant.

1991 - 1995
PARTNER / GENERAL MANAGER - Infotec del Sureste, S.A. de C.V.
· Computer hardware, software and accessories sales, and minor equipment repairing..
· User training in graphic design systems such as CorelDRAW and Ventura Publisher.
· Training and advisory with Crescendo, Contpaq (accounting) and Nomipaq (payroll).
· General administration of the company.

1989 - 1991
SALES MANAGER - COMPUTER DIVISION- Fomento e Iniciativa Comercial, S.A. de C.V.
· Computer hardware, software and accessories sales.
· User training in graphic design systems such as CorelDRAW and
Ventura Publisher.

April 2000
Rodolfo Martínez y Asoc.

October 1999
Imérica, A.C.

Feb - Jun 1996
Cámara Nacional de Empresas de Consultoría
y Fundación para el Desarrollo Empresarial, A.C. (CIMO)
Duration: 100 hrs
· Module I: “Consulting Abilities and Marketing”
· Module II: “Project Administration”
· Module III: “Planning a Consulting Business”
· Module IV: “Strategic Decisions”
· Module V: “Business Precision”

March 1996
Imérica, A.C.

October 1994
Cinvestav I.P.N. & Consorcio Red Uno

1984 - 1988
College: Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida

· General grades average: 93.1 (base 100)

Senior High School: Preparatoria No. 1
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
· General grades average: 91.0 (base 100)

1978 - 1981
Secondary School: Secundaria Estatal No. 1
“Agustin Vadillo Cicero”
· General grades average: 9.8 (base 10)

1971 - 1978
Primary studies in Peterborough and London, Ontario, Canada

Nómina Ramsal (payroll), Sistema de Control de Asistencia Siasa (attendance control), Contpaq (accounting), Nomipaq (payroll), Cheqpaq (bank account control and check printing), Crescendo (inventory and sales), CorelDRAW, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visual Foxpro (database management), PC Anywhere and others.

Spanish and English.

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