I live near WDW and go often. I recently bought a digital camera
for myself on my birthday. I decided that since I would undoubtly
be taking many, many pictures @ WDW, I would share some of them with you.
Here are a few ground rules for these pictures:
post pictures that I think are interesting, different, weird, funny, or
just because I feel like it. There is not necessarily any rhyme or
reason to the ones I post. I'll try to put new ones up every couple
of weeks.
Because my camera is not the most expense on the market, the images may
not be the best quality. Also because of the relatively slow shutter
speed of the camera, some of the pictures taken on rides and attractions
may be blurred. They'll (hopefully) get better with time.
I'm new at this, so the page may seem poor at first. Again, it'll
get better with time.
I have updated this page with new pictures of Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and other cool stuff. I also updated the Epcot and DAK pages.

This is me with my youngest daughter at DAK.
As I said, I live about 30 miles from WDW and
visit anywhere from 2 - 6 times a month. Rock 'n' Roller Coaster (RnRC) has become my family's favorite ride, supplanting Dinosaur (formerly Countdown to Extinction (CTX)), Test Track, and Tower of Terror
(ToT). We still love those rides, but RnRC is terrific.
In my other life, I am a Project Manager in the Consulting Group at PROGRESS Software Corp.®
a leading provider of 4GL development tools and Relational Database for host, Client/Server and Web software. |
Oh well, the Welcome banner at the top didn't come out so good. I wanted to try and get the words to be straight across.
It was a composite of several pictues taken of the lettering on a rounded
wall. They didn't line up very well. Click here
to download a QTVR movie of the banner.
OK, now on to the images. I've arranged them by location (theme park,
water park, resort, or other areas), but that's about the only form of
arrangement you'll find. There may or may not be any theme, sequence,
or logical order to these images. You'll notice the page title.
Click on a thumbnail image to view a larger version of the image.
Links & Web Rings
...Including links to my Grandson's birth page (nothing graphic) and Universal Studios Escape
Magic Kingdom
...Including The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
...Pictures of Flower Power groups
Disney Studios
...Including Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
Animal Kingdom