Well, I would like to Welcome You All
to my first webpage. I never use to really give any thought when
viewing other people's homepages. My comment was, thats nice, or
its ok. I realize now, the amount of work that can go into one, and
just trying to figure what to put on it, is a job in itself! Although,
I"m trying really hard to figure out the purpose of a homepage. .. Is it
just so that we have our signature in cyberspace? Sorta like carving
our name on that picnic table at the park?.. Hmm, thats alot of work to
do. How many poeple will actually stop and look at that carving?
Building a webpage in my opinion
is bloody stupid!! Whoes gonna come and read this? I've been
sitting at my puter now for the past ah....seems like a zillion weeks,
steadily working at this. Unless there is a specific topic your writing
about, no one is interested in reading it... Well we're not all computer
geniuses like Bill Gates, nor is my name Lewinsky, to talk about my experiences
with Bill Clinton. So what do I write about? Ah, who cares,
whose reading this page anyways? Its sorta like that carving
on the picnic table... its there, and people see it without really paying
any attention to it.. They just keep going, and moving along their way.
Unless you have a purpose for putting up a homepage, your investing
a lot of time, energy, and a great amount of sleepless hours. Not
to mention the time I've used up with my internet connection looking for
animated gifs and images. Would anyone like to take a guess how many
cups of coffee have gone cold on me, and the smokes that have burned down
to the butt?....
Well I know you don't care... and besides I've lost track anyways!
I started off enjoying myself doing these homepages, and the more I
reviewed them, the more I thought how stupid it all seemed.. Perhaps my
patience has just got extremly thin....LOL.. Who Knows! Theres one
thing I do know for certain though.... I enjoy chatting with my friends
in Powwow! And thats all that counts in my books!......
Doesn't it?
Well, with what I do have up, knock yourself out everyone. Warning though, some of you may find this bloody boring, as theres no nude graphics, or dirty jokes. So your outta' luck! Actually now that I think of it, there's no jokes of any kind. Oh well...at least you'll get lucky with a great HTML Tutorial Link, and Fantastic Links to homepages, that I've included.