Welcome - Ahlan wa Sahlan

Hi. I'm Lynda Keen. I hope my website will be an inspiration to anyone who would like a home page but doesn't know how to construct one. Before 10 November 1998, I knew NOTHING about building a home page but it took me only a couple of weeks to build this website. Mostly by trial and error but also with some help from my fairy godfather Kai from Geocities and Hawaii.

I used to have three full-time jobs: writer, teacher and cat-owner. But now I have a work-life balance, having upgraded to sitting all day staring at a laptop screen and being temporarily catless.

I write mostly about travel but also some fiction. I've published a guide book on Lebanon and written another couple of books which are oven-ready but for which I haven't yet had time to find publishers. One of these is all the funny stories about travelling round Lebanon that I had to leave out of my guide book. The other is a hilarious guide to sexual harassment around the world. I've also written a documentary novel based on the true story of a mentally handicapped child during the war in Lebanon, where I used to live. I'm now turning this into a film screenplay.

I used to teach English, English as a Foreign Language, Drama and also Management Skills or Business Administration. I've done a fair bit of writing for these, too, developing courses and materials.

I'm lucky as I've been able to combine writing, teaching and travel, all of which I love.

As for my third former career, I've had a cat or cats since I was three. Half a century of slavery. Or, as I prefer to think positive, half a lifetime of practising to communicate with alien beings.

My favourite colour is blue, my favourite food is boeuf stroganoff and my favourite wine is Lebanon's Al Musar red. My favourite pop music is The Everley Brothers All I Have to do is Dream though Elvis Presley's Wild in the Country comes a close second. My favourite classical music is Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D Major, whose movements are now playing on three of my pages after a heroic struggle with HTML!

Links to other sites.

Genius Graphics, Beirut. They GAVE me this lovely background! Thanks, Elie and Fady.

Dave Sperling's ESL cafe.

TEFL Pitstop.

Links to my friends' pages.

Down Under and in the Med with Elaine.

Sweet poetry and beautiful pictures from Pansy.

Turkish delights from Andrew and his family.

Links to my other pages.

Illustrated Creed.

The Lord's Prayer.

Synopsis of my novel The Gift.

Some of my Lebanon photos.

From Barrow to Beirut excerpt.

Guide to Sexual Harassment excerpts.

My Advent calendar.

Purrfect page.

To Bomb or not to Bomb That is the Question.

Visit London Internet Church

Check out my Guide to Lebanon here.

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