nature-loving presents: |
Beach Reports |
Welcome! "In 1997 I started
a personal collection of worldwide naturist destinations, using both online
and offline information sources. In July 1998 I decided to put the entire collection
on this web site, so that every true naturist could benefit from it. This
site does not have the intention to copy or replace existing sites. The only
intention is to provide a no-nonsense collection of worldwide naturist
destinations without outdated links or any other frustrating content." "I would like to
thank all people that contributed to the success of this site by sending in
pictures and beach reports. I apologize if pictures from other sites have
been included on my pages, at the same time I regret having to find parts of
my pages duplicated on other sites. But after all, this can only be to the
benefit of the true naturist that is trying to find some useful information
on the polluted Internet." Total visits since
January 1st, 2003: |
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Ring site is owned by nature-loving. |
Copyright © nature-loving,
1997-2002 |