Martina & Matthias We live in the beautiful city of Sydney in Australia and like to go for Bushwalks. Matthias is an Electrician by trade and loves to work & play on the Computer. Martina is a housewife and she likes sewing and play on the Computer and surf the net, and she loves cooking. We both like to dance, go for dinner and play on the pokies. And we enjoy quiet nights and like to watch a good video.We have two beautiful dogs, little minature longhair dachshunds, there names are, Mukkel she is 9 years old, and Pasja she is 8 years old.We like visiting our friends and enjoy very much playing a night of cards with them. |
This is our Sydney harbour with the Operahouse and the Harbour bridge. We think it is the most beautiful city in the world, and worth a visit. There is a lot of sightseeing at daytime, like a visit to the Zoo, and you can go with the ferry to Watsonbay where you can look out over the ocean and go for beautiful walks to, we have lots of nice shops for people that like shopping, and you will enjoy our nightlife to! |
This are the three sisters in the Blue mountains they are about 60 km away from the city centre. You can go there with the car, or with the train, or you can go with a tour bus. At the three sisters you can go for lots of beautiful walks or stay there for the night, and enjoy good sight seeing.One of the walks is 900 steps down in to the valley and then you have an 30 min. walk and you can see a beautiful waterfall. |