I love Brasil!!!
Welcome to my page about Brazil! In the summer of 1999, I went on a trip that changed my life in so many ways... I decided to go to Brazil with JEMS (Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society) as a summer worker. I spent about a week in Sao Paulo, but the bulk of my time (5 weeks) was spent in a town on the west end of Sao Paulo state called Presidente Prudente. At first, I was a little bit scared of being by myself for such a long time in a place that I didn't know, but not having another JEMS worker with me was actually a blessing because it taught me so many lessons! It taught me to have a greater dependence on God, it helped my Portuguese (which still needs much help!), and it enabled me to get to know the people of Igreja Evangelica Holiness (my home church while in Brazil) very well. Through everything God amazed me with His provision
and how He provided for all my needs. He watched over whatever I did (now do you understand the picture above?) and blessed it in ways that I knew were from Him and not of my own abilities!
Brasil is such a wonderful place... The people and the culture are just so much warmer than here in the states! I would totally love to go back and if you went, you'd say the same! Well, I don't want to spend too much time describing the trip in my words, I want to let my pictures do the talking! After all, they say that "a picture says a thousand words..." So I would rather put up my 40-45 pictures instead of writing a 40,000-45,000 word memoir of my trip! Enjoy your visit!
So, what's on this page anyway?
Click here to see some cool pictures of Brasil! See the places I went, the friends I made, and the crazy things I did...
Come see my thoughts, prayers, and praises during the trip from the weekly e-mails that I sent home. Also, you read the experience of one of my teammates, Sumiko Kanzaki.
Here's some odds and ends, such as one of my lessons, some links, web pages of other JEMS workers, and maybe some other things if I'm not lazy...
My RAV page shows and tells about the ministry in Mexico, Rancho Agua Viva, that I went to in '97 and was a big part of what brought me to Brazil in the first place!
Be sure to take a look at my personal web page
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Interested in participating in the JEMS South America Ministry (we're starting to put together our 2001 team!), do you have questions about my trip, or do you just want to talk about what makes macaroni and cheese taste so good? E-mail me at jeffchun@juno.com, I'd love
to talk!
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since September 1st, 1999.
Last updated: October 25th, 2000