Treasurehunting RULES
Hello and welcome to my
treasurehunting pictures page! My name is Jeff (JeffOH from various treasurehunting
forums on the internet). I have three machines: an old but trusty White's 4900D
Pro Plus with factory 8" and extra 4" coil (Thanks Rowdy, it works like a
charm!) a White's Surf PI, (back in action!) and a Garrett GTA 350 Ultra. I don't get out much, but I have some cool stuff from
detecting during the last 18 or so years. I will also post pictures from others when
possible. Enough of this, on to the pictures...
of items recovered from around Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati area photo archive
of items recovered from the Low Country
Low Country Photo Archive
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Treasurehunter Code of
1. I will respect private and public property, all historical and archeological sites and will do no metal detecting on these lands without proper permission.
2. I will try to remain informed about and to obey all laws, regulations and rules, epecially those governing federal state, and local public lands.
3. I will aid law enforcement officials whenever possible.
4. I will cause no willful damage to property of any kind, including fences, signs and buildings and I will always fill holes I dig and those not filled by other hobbyists.
5. I will not destroy property, buildings or the remains of ghost towns and other deserted structures.
6. I will not leave litter or uncovered items lying around. I will carry all trash and dug targets with me when I leave each search area.
7. I will observe the Golden Rule, using good outdoor manners and conducting myself at all times in a manner which will add to the stature and public image of all people engaged in the field of metal detecting.
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