If you're planning a holiday or a business trip to Indonesia
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Indonesia - located on both sides of the Equator - is a fascinating
mosaic composed of more than 13,000 islands.
From time to time numerous immigrant groups have arrived in this area,
giving rise to its extremely rich and varied culture, ethnology
and history.
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Java the political and economic center
of Indonesia has a population of 112 million.
Bali is a part of the Lesser Sunda islands.
Java and Bali are the most popular destinations
in Indonesia.
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Lonely Planet :
The Indonesian archipelago is a string of jewels in the Coral Sea. A collection of over 13,000
islands comprise this incredible nation where spectacular beauty, abundant wildlife and a complex
and diverse culture survive side by side. This new edition offers the most reliable travel
information for independent, adventurous travelers. --This text refers to the paperback edition
of this title.
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Lonely Planet Indonesia (5th Ed) 944 pages
by Peter Turner, Brenda Belahunty, Paul Greenway, James Lyon, Brendan Delahunty,
Chris Taylor.
With 200 detailed maps and a 32-page full-color arts and crafts
section, this practical guide is an essential tool for all
travelers to Bali, Irian Jaya, Java, Sumatra, and other
Indonesian islands.
click on the picture to order