Welcome to the Relocation Club!
The Relocation Club page is dedicated to helping people find information on relocating to other areas (countries, states or provinces). I will try to keep this page updated with links, based on Country, to things such as housing, jobs, immigration and anything else of interest - like you would find in an almanac.
Please send any comments or ideas you have for my page to me.
Rob Moore, the nice guy behind these pages.
Informational Links
World Exchange Rates
Provides an active chart of current world exchange rates with the ability to show rates based on a particular currency.
Career Mosaic - Jobs Database
This online database houses tons of positions available. They have databases for most countries in the world.
Apartments Nationwide
Moving to the US? Need a place to stay? Check out Apartments Nationwide. Over 175 members in the US with over 3 Million apartment listings online!
The Salary Calculator
Looking to move to a new city? Find out how much you need to make to maintain your same living standard. Salary Calculator uses cost of living indexs to figure what your equivalent salary would be.
Virtual Relocation Page
Be sure to check this site for tons of information on relocating. Contains some very nice resources.
Wanted Jobs 98
This has gotta be one of the best search tools I have seen so far. This downloadable client is a small search engine that will look at a host of different job databases based on your criteria and download a list of postings that match your search. Very easy and extremely effective. Save a lot of time and effort.
Universal Currency Converter
Need to convert currency from anything to anything else? This is the place to do it. Just enter in the amount and type of currency you have and what you want to convert it to and let this site do all the work.
Expat Network
Looking to work and live as an Expat? Join the Expat network! Check out this web site to see how yu can subscribe to their monthly news/jobs magazine for people working abroad. Appeals mostly to engineering careers but has some useful information and contacts.
Air Courier Travel
If you are going to be travelling you might as well travel at the best prices! Become a courier and get mega cheap flights!

International Jobs Database
The International Jobs Database also has a weekly newspaper that you can subscribe to for internation jobs. This is an excellent database will all types of work in almost every country. They also have links to other job databases based on country, so this is an excellent starting point when looking to go abroad.

Going to Belgium
This site will hopefully give you a running start at making your way over to Belgium.
Belgium Relocation Services
If you are looking for help in relocating, such as finding a new apartment or other housing, check here. They also provide other services in the area of relocation.

Bermuda's #1 Website!
Welcome to Bermuda. This hot Bermuda site offers information on travel, housing, and business. Start here when you look to Bermuda.
Bermuda Jobs on Lycos
This link is a search index of the Lycos Jobs Database keyed on Bermuda. Lycos is a good source of jobs almost anywhere.

Complete Guide to Moving to Ireland
This site is very informative about relocating to Ireland from anywhere. Has info on country, economy, people, jobs, and housing, plus lots lots more!
Sunday Business Post Online
Living and Locating in Ireland. List of links and resources for living and locating in and about Ireland.
Euro Property Network
EPN has good sale and rental property listings as well as links to other real estate sites for Ireland.
Irish Property Network
Largest online property listings site for Ireland. Can't find it here, you most likely won't find it.
Careers in Sales & Marketing
Sales Placement Ltd provides listings for sales and marketing jobs in Ireland.
Job Finder
Ireland's #1 Jobs Website. Name speaks for it's self!

Rome Accomodation
This site provides a listing of flats for rent in Rome.
Domus Realestate
Domus provides rental accomodation in Rome, usually for vacationing, but it may be a start.
In Italy Online
Before you go to Italy, start here! Everything from food, lodging, transport to online business and culture.

JobStreet Malaysia
Jobstreet is an excellent job board. You can visit their home page JobStreet and go to a number of countries, but if you are interested in Malaysia then this is a good place to go.
New Zealand

Immigration Consultants & Information
Wanna move to New Zealand or Australia? ORAC provides help in Immigration to these two Countries. Here you will find out about the immigration policies and be able to fill out online applications for pre-assessment.
United States

Database of Independent Consultants
Dice is most definitely a premiere source for jobs, both permanent and contract in the US. This easily searched database houses as many as 20,000 positions. Probably the best database for jobs on the net.
United Kingdon

Employment Link Page for the UK
This site provides links to a number of resources in the UK. Not a bad place to start.
Homes Online
One of the better sources for finding a place to stay on your move into the UK. Allows database searching based on general area, price range, number of bedrooms, ect. Easy to use and good size database.
The London Classifieds
This online classified site provides surfers with information on rental accommodations in London as well as some job and personal ads. You can arrange to buy that used car and furniture for when you get there and have a flat to put it in.
UK Property Gold
UK Property gold provides a database of forsale and rental properties throughout the UK. They have a well developed site with very good search capabilities. They boast to be the largest UK property database on the net.
Simply Rent
Still can't find that property to buy or rent? Check Simply Rent. This site is an index to other property sale and rent pages for the UK.
Job Serve
Very good online jobs database for IT contractors. Boasts to be UK's largest online database. Join the jobs mailing list and receive daily updates.
Job Site
Very good online jobs database for IT contractors. Join the jobs mailing list and receive daily updates.

Rhodesians Worldwide
Great page for all you Rhodesians out there looking to move around and want to keep in touch with your people (grass roots sort of thing). Lots of good links for Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Zimbabwe Discussion Page
See what people are saying about what has been going on lately in the Home land.
Samara Services
Online service for the Zimbabwe community. Provides links to a number of Zim newpapers and magazines as well as tons of other great information and links. Like classified ads and Zimbabe stock exchange - Yes they do have one!
South Africa

The Star (Independent Online)
South African Online Newspaper. Contains classifieds with a good variety of jobs.