a Florida page

in a boat on the water

This site is a home page. No commercial content. It is more or less a scrap book.

Most of the lobster pics are from the web and are not mine.  They show how these unique creatures vary in different parts of the world.

click on the links below the fish to see the spiny pages
Took this fish picture in the Florida keys swimming with a snorkle

see the Big Cuda

The pages are mainly pictures, so they may be slow to load

People    Bloody Mary   Cozumel    Gulf Sunsets    Keys

Some nice fish          A closeup Cuda

Mouse and His fish

This is the largest single WEB collection of different spiny species pictures

Spiny Lobster pages  1 2 3 4 5
juvenile spinys  
Shovelnose lobs


panulirus argus spiny lobster rock lobster panulirus guttaus panulirus marginatus red rock lobster crayfish langosta florida spiny lobster juvenile spiny lobster slipper lobster shovelnose lobster diving pictures lobster pics lobster pictures lobster photos spiny lobsters rock lobsters jasus panulirus versicolor panulirus elephas panulirus homarus