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#2 You are free to Download and Use any material on this site provided that it is legal, environment friendly and has a line acknowledging me.

As John Lennon once sang, 

"I may be a Dreamer, but I am not the only one "

guest book

My Old Guest-book


After a bit of research I have been able to trace my family tree back at least 8 generations. Check out the Mutum family tree.

Please contact me if you have any information which you might want to share.

Please check out my following blogs:
* ah ok lah - My personal blog.
* auto lah - about the auto industry and anything related to automobiles.
* freebies - all the free stuff on the net.
* uk student corner - From the perspective of a student in the UK.
* search engine optimization expert - about SEO, page rank, making money on the net and technology in general.
My ongoing web SEO projects:
- Melayu Boleh
- Cari Duit