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On the following pages, you'll see highlights of our 30th reunion, held in Winthrop, Massachusetts from  10/23-25, 1998.  Please click on all the links to navigate the site.  Some of the pages have background music; some of the pictures will play a song for you.  Have a good time!
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This site was last updated on February 28, 2009.  Report any problems to
Winthrop (MA)
High School
Class of 1968
30th Reunion Website
1956 Sunshine School - help identify the students! Go HERE.
Trident Ave. Alumni Assoc. Pictures
WHS Class of 1965 Site - Thanks to Bob Duval
and Buzz, who missed the party...
St. John School Class of 1964 Class Photo
NEW! 40th Reunion website:
1960 E. B. Newton School - help ID these students.  A little easier than the kindergarten picture!  Go HERE.
NEW!!! 20th Reunion Photo.  Go HERE.