FantoMe 1927-1998
sailed with Amazing Grace
The Fantome was reported missing
with her crew of
31 aboard on Tuesday October
27 while battling
Hurricane Mitch off the coast
of Honduras.
She and her crew were never heard from again.
August 10, 2000
Its been awhile... nothing new to report.
Quote from the ABC News Website
I welcome any comments, thoughts,
or feelings about
the show. Just click on
the Guestbook and
leave your thoughts.
Sign Guestbook
If anyone can digitalize the episode,
please send
it to me and I will make it available
on the
website. (.mpg, .mov, .asf,
The Discovery Channel
Did Anyone catch the Discovery
Channel's show on
hurricanes which featured the story
of the Fantome?
Any thoughts?
The Crew of the S/V Fantome
Final Roll Call
Colin August (Coffee)
Rhon Austin Maxwell Bhikham (Blinky) Vernon Brusch (Brusch) Constantin Bucur (Cony) Steadbert Burke (P.P.) Vanil Fender (Fender) Emmanuel Frederick (Brasso) Alan George (Spice) Alvin George (Slow G) O'Ryan Hardware (Dode) |
David Hernandez
Deodatt Jallim (Jallim) Carl James (Bara) Jerry King Canute Layne (Pope) Kevin Logie (Kev) Guyan March (Skip) Carlisle Mason (Pelican) Eon Maxwell (Chef) Francis Morain (Fingers) Wilbert Morris (Morris) |
Anibal Olivas
Cyrus Phillips (Turtle/Hollow Crab) Bobby Pierre Pedro Prince Deonauth Ramsudh (Django) Onassis Reyes (O!) Mohamed Farouk Roberts (Roberts) Chrispin Saunders (Chrispy/Volcano) Rohan Williams (Dr. Stone) |
Trust Fund for Families of
the Missing Crew
S/V Fantome S.A. Trust
c/o PO BOX 190120
Miami Beach, FL
I have set up an archives area
for all the news reports
and miscellanous related stories.
If you don't see a report that
was previously
here its in the Archives.
If you are new to this site, take
the time to browse,
it is well worth reading...
to the Archives
S/V Fantome Memorial Page
Windjammer Bulletin Board
Our Own Statement
* Updated *
After a wonderful trip on the Fantome,
this page was to be dedicated to
the people of Honduras and the
Bay Islands and especially the children
of Omoa.
However, with the events surrounding
Hurricane Mitch it has evolved
into more of a information center
about the search and ultimate fate
of the S/V Fantome and her crew...
We were the last passengers aboard
her (Oct 17-24) before Hurricane Mitch
came along and destroyed most of
the beauty and grandeur that
was Honduras and the Bay Islands.
Nature and Time will restore the
beauty of the land, but we pray
for the lives lost and the survivors
of Mitch.
Keep Hope! - This
was our slogan. To hold on and pray for the best.
Now our hope is that this never
happens again.
-- Dean and Tami
(aka Major Afthole)
(aka Doctor Dean)
is an Afthole?
Storm Track of Mitch from Oct 26, 1998
Windjammer Websites
Burke & Ellen's Windjammer Page
Has an excellent view of the geography
of area
with a superimposed view of Hurricane
and last known location of the
Trip Photos
Before the ship was lost, we
had a most
wonderous trip on her.
These are photos
of my own and some of the other
on the Fantome For Trip Photos
Email Dean and Tami
to Dean & Tami
Please Sign Our Guestbook
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