ahleia ~ : Gorean Slave Girl

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Greetings A/all and Welcome to Y/you A/all :

ahleia resided in powwow Gor, she was owned by Master Hawk.

ahleia is kajira, which is gorean for slave girl, if you desire to be a kajira or kajiru (slave boy), then the desire has to be strong for to be a slave on Gor is not easy. Gor is a harsh world, run by the Masters , it is a Master/Mistress relationship that W/we have.

Being a dedicated slave has to come from the heart, for to serve with all your heart , mind , soul and strength is the wish of every true kajirae/kajiri's heart. For to displease a Master/Mistress is one this girl does not desire to do, for as girl said Gor is harsh and punishment comes from and act of displeasure.

slaves on powwow Gor,(which is now closed and most have moved to irc) can serve their own Masters or Mistress's or in taverns , wear the kolars of those that they serve, but if you wish not to wear a kolar (which is rare), have a protector (online thing), one that will take care of any problems that should arise. ahleia's protector is a good and honourable Man , Master Jermac.

many that came to powwow Gor thought it is a game, but those who truely feel that have a strong heart to serve, then a Gorean lifestyle maybe for you. ahleia tells those who wish to learn seek a trainer, be it a Master or Mistress's or with a tavern, but seek one that will teach you the proper ways of Gor, she tells you this for she is a trainer.

may Y/your days be full with the desires of Y/your hearts in what Y/you seek whether Master/Mistress or slave, but seek it with a true heart.

ahleia wishes to thank , and for Y/you to know A/all Y/you could meet in Pow wow Gor,:-

Master Hawk, (gone to wander the inlands of Gor) another girl is very fond of , a guide and seeker, Master Hawk is a Creek Indian, and a very wise and knowledgable Man. ahleia feels at one with Him and calls Him her guide.

Master Jermac, of the Black Caste, is a noble Master. One that is sometimes hard to get to know, but when He befriends Y/you , Y/you have a friend for life, and a protector that cares.

Master Viper, a very strong Master, He has been a rt Master for over 20yrs now and is a true and knowledgable Master, that has guided girl along the way, He takes care of His girls in the tavern. He is a good friend, and is appreciated very much.

Mistress Myst, owner of Horned Bosk Tavern and Ubara in the land of Trovaldsland, wonderful Lady full of honour and grace on this world and Gor. Mistress Myst, is one girl admires, She is strong, willing, and One that teachers you with out you knowing.... thank You for Your Friendship and guiding hand.

Master Blak, A wonderful Master, FC to Mistress Nyx rt, good and knowledgable Master, He brightens many a day.

Master Soth of Red Mountain Castle, another new to Gor, Master RedWolf, owner of RedWolfe Tavern irc.bondage (the loss of your honourable life is a tragedy not only to me but to so many, we know you watch over us you called family), Master IronBear Administrator of City of Ar (now moved to irc.bondange and called the GreatHalls, Carissma, and many more girl knows whom right now she can not think of , but let leia know and she will put You on, for she wishes not to offend anyone , for she does care for You all.

ahleia wishes Y/you A/all a Farewell, and Peace.


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