Chaz and Weilin's Place.

Charles and Weilin in Ladakh, India.  See more pictures on our travel page.

Thank you for visiting our web site.

This is us in Ladakh, India. See more pictures on our TRAVEL PAGE below.

This web site was last updated on: May 14, 2000.

Photo of Charles.

My name is Charles and I am an American currently living in Taiwan and working as an English teacher. I'm also writing the script for my first feature-length film, part of which takes place here.

Read about my short film, THE WAITING ROOM, which was made back in 1996.

Chinese Dragon

You can contact me at:

Weilin's baby picture. My name is Weilin and I am Taiwanese. This is me when I was a baby. I'm an English teacher too. See more BABY PICTURES of me below. The Chinese character for the word TAIWAN

A photo of Weilin's dog, Mimi. My name is Mimi and I am NOT an English teacher. I was born near the beginning of 1999 and I belong to Weilin. I am a Pomeranian, which explains my fox-like face. Though I may not look pedigree yet, I assure you that when I grow up, I'll have long, silky hair.

Click here to go to my puppy picture page.

A pomeranian

Where on earth are we?

a globe of the World Do you know where Taiwan is? Not exactly sure?

Click HERE to find out where we are.

Taiwan's flag

Our Travel Page

Our travel page contains several photos from our trips to Thailand, India and Nepal.

Included are a few photographs of life here in Taiwan.
Thailand's flag India's Flag.
Nepal's Flag. Taiwan's flag

Click HERE to go to our travel page.

Weilin's baby pictures

Baby picture Click here or on the baby picture to the left to see some photographs of Weilin when she was a baby.

The Waiting Room

- A short film by Charles DeWald

Reels of Film Click here or on the film reels to the left to read about my short film, THE WAITING ROOM, which was completed in 1996

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*Talk to me "live" when I'm online! Go here to try it out.
Please note that you will need a microphone and speakers or headphones, and you will also need to download the software from this link to do so.

- Top of the page - Mimi - Where are we? - Travel Page - Baby pictures - The Waiting Room -

the top half of a man's head, looking up