<BGSOUND SRC="/jlippsman34/time.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to my site
Welcome to my WaterWorld
I love water LOL!
If there is one thing I like it's WATER! I have made some applets of some of my favorite things. Feel free to take what ever gif's you need to help with your site, and be sure to send links to your friends also. Not all of these are about water, but the for the most part, this corner of my site is. I change the pages from time to time so check back and see what I have done.. Have fun :-)
James, aka, Dames
My nephew Brandon, couldn't say James, so thats how I come up with that name.... These are big pages so, it may take a few minutes for them to download. But, it's well worth it. Just click on the links below to enter my WaterWorld!
I love water LOL!
I love a good cup of coffee!
Have a cup of java, sit back, and relax. This trips on me! It's been a while since I have updated this site, but I am going to try to do better. I have lots of new stuff to tell you about..... so check back soon!
Dream Lover James and Darlene's Wedding Page!
Water Castle
Send Someone a Cyber Rose
My Tropical Home
Space Oddity (a complete space show)
My Titanic Page The Pyramids
God's Grace
Angel Clouds
Max's Doghouse, my Rottweiler
James and Max's Place......?
The Light Wizard
Check out the new pages!
Check out the new pages! Psycho Trip... Try it!
Free Explicit Pictures????
Send Someone a Christmas Applet
My Links Page with other cam links also
Hope's website (my little girl)
Drop us a line, we would like to hear what you think about our site.
I love this picture don't you!?
Email James or Darlene here!
Don't forget to bookmark this page!