Anne's Links to Wildlife Photos

Click-link to some of the best wildlife images on the Web


Big Cats

Cheetah | African Lions | Tiger


Sable Antelope | Bull Musk Ox | Gemsbok | Bighorn Mountain Sheep

Cape Buffalo | Impala | Klipspringer | Nyala

Bears, Canines and Other Furries

Spectacled Bear | Hyena

Sky, Sea and Ice

Cygnet | Whales | Dolphins | Trumpeter Swan


African Elephant | Hippopotamus


Animals of B.C. | Mostly North American Animals | North American Animals 1

North American Animals 1| African Animals

Nature Gallery

Dickerson Park Zoo | Wildlifelands Image Archives

ZooNet Image Archives

Zoo in the Wild


Thanks to Geocities for making this page possible.

Thanks also to my big brother and computer mentor, Art, who is interested in many other things besides programming, as you can see from his page.

You can also visit my kid brother, Magessa, who pushes rocks around his garden when he's not busy 'professoring.'

I wish you could visit my kid sister, Jane, but she doen't have a web page yet.

Updated January 5, 2004


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