Bill, Alix, and Eric's Excellent Adventure

Or, "The epic three weeks vacation."

This page is both a cool little resource as well as a family/school project. When my my Mom (Alix) and I decided we both wanted and could go with our good friend (with us as always) Bill on a jaunt to Europe, we all decided that keeping a journal of the trip would be both fun and informative in later years when our memory begins to leave us. Originally, the journal was to be kept in a small notebook. but due to the wonders of geekdom combined with modern technology, one thing led to another and the next thing we knew our little team of adventurers was equipped with a digital camera and a laptop. A lot of people were interested in seeing our pictures when we got back and of course, having us tell our little anecdotes and traveler's tales. So we figured, "Well, why not use some web space and put up a mini-travel log?" So we did. And here it is.

We will be putting up the pictures from the digital camera about every night, or when we have access to a phone line. All of the text will be written offline, so that we don't take up the phone line all the time, and rack up some nice long distance fees. To give you an idea of what we will be seeing, let's see if I can rattle off some of what will be seen.

The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Wall (What's left of it), Oktoberfest, Dauchau (concentration camp outside of Munich), a beerhall our two, Neuschwanstein, Checkpoint Charlie (probably), Vienna Opera house, Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Kafka's home (not too spectacular from what I've heard, but then I can say I've been there, done that), Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague, and a lot of awesome buildings in Budapest and all the other cities.

I've noticed, having come back from the trip, that there are a few broken links and thumbnails. Please be patient with me. I'm working on moving about half of the pages onto another site, and after that is finished, it will make it easier to solves these problems. It will probably take me a week or so to finish, as I am doing other things, like school, which take precedence.



September 18: Munich, Germany

Sept. 19: Munich, Germany

Sept. 20: Munich, Germany

Sept. 21: Munich, Germany

Sept. 22: Salzburg, Austria

Sept. 23: Salzburg, Austria

Sept. 24: Halstatt, Austria

Sept. 25: Vienna, Austria

Sept. 26: Vienna, Austria

Sept. 27: Vienna, Austria
Sept. 28: Budapest, Hungary

Sept. 29: Budapest, Hungary

Sept. 30: Budapest, Hungary
Oct. 1 and 2: With friends in Poland

Oct. 3: Krakow, Poland

Oct. 4: Prague, Czech Republic

Oct 5: Prague, Czech Republic

Oct. 6: Berlin, Germany

Oct 7: Berlin, Germany

Oct 8: Berlin, Germany
Oct. 9 & 10: Bacharach, Germany

Contact Information

On the Road E-Mail Addresses (Obviously, we are "off the road", but you can still use these addresses to get in touch. Comments are always welcome.)
Eric: (Der Web Meister)
Send mail to: Eric, Alix, and Bill.

If you would like some information on any of these cities, go check out Lonely Planet Online. Specifically, their "Destinations" section.

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