<BGSOUND SRC="D:\American Online\download\4MusicSec\ebb_tide.midi" LOOP=INFINITE>


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Growing up in SUN Shiney
Florida, I was born to beach life
from the earliest moments I can recall.
Though living in Central FLORIDA, summers
were always spent with family and friends at one of the beaches.  For me it all began on the
GULF of MEXICO side of FLORIDA. My grand-
mother Sheridan always took me with her for longer periods than I could have stayed with my
own family.  She was born on the ATLANTIC
side and grew up there - being full of tales and
stories of years gone by and what the beach life
had meant to her.  My dad too born on the GULF side took to the water like a fish.  So I guess you might say it was in my blood.  Maybe the genes?  Yet God intended that for me as He planned my life's directions.

The Beach, wherever it would be, even on a Bay or Inlet, soon became the symbol of my special times with God, the creator of it all.  As a child growing up with Christian heredity I had little change NOT to hear the Word of God at the earliest age.  As I grew I began to associate the beach with God's creation.  The tides, the number of sands of the sea,, it seemed to even have a music made for the eager listener.  Seas
bring us the shells and other unwanted things too like seaweed but with it all, just like in life,
you take it all and choose the best God has given.

I want to dedicate this page to my Grandmother Sheridan who at age 99 slipped into the arm of Jesus eagerly.  This woman was a model of patience, endurance and Proverbs 31.

Beach lovers have visited this page.  Begin January 23, 2000

Copyright 1999 by Arlene Sheridan Jones