Revisions (in case you have only seen the original of this page): 1. Here is the new index page for all these Dual Sport Riding items: /foraster/index.htmlIt includes further material on most of the items on this page. Actually, I removed a lot of material from this page for an interesting reason: a prospective employer googled my name, found this page, and determined that I was just another no-good dual-sporting ne'er-do-well. 1969: When I lived in British Colombia 1968 BSA Royal Star 500cc twin
In 1971, while in Europe: Triumph Trophy 500cc twin. After
a year with the Army , I stayed on and attended the University of Barcelona.
1978-81: Grand Prix road racers (TA125,
TZ250), 6-hour endurance races. This one was in Tierra del Fuego in 1978. I left California
in 1977 on a Yamaha XS650 and ended up in Argentina.
Puyuhuapi, Carretera Austral
Germans on
BMW R1100 GS bikes, near
Pto Montt
Near Murta, along
the Carretera Austral
One way to return
from the deep south
Mountains and
forests south of Chaiten
there are no real gas stations
Crossing from
Chiloe Island to mainland Patagonia at Chaiten
Patagonian homestead on Lago General
Near Coyhaique,
in southern Chile
volcano, in the Chilean Lake District
Summer: Central
Chilean Patagonia
Map of Atacama Desert segment: red line
shows route.
Laguna Verde,
near the Argentina-Chile border
Salar de Maricunga, a huge but mostly dry salt lake.
The snows of
Ojos del Salado, "nieves penitentes."
Ojos del Salado: Highest
mountain in Chile. A volcano, generally thought to be inactive.
1998-1999 Patagonia Ride on Kawasaki KLR 650
Link to trip story HERE
_Typical Carretera Austral stretch
_Remains of
plane that crashed near Chaiten; converted to dwelling.
_Swiss and German riders: Puerto
_Two of the
four attempts to bridge quebrada: Queulat
dinner 1998, with friends in Coihaique
Now you tell some stories.
patagonia2004 [ at ] hotmaildotcom