To be old and wise you must first be young and foolish.

Revisions (in case you have only seen the original of this page):
1.  Here is the new index page for all these Dual Sport Riding items: /foraster/index.html
It includes further material on most of the items on this page.  Actually, I removed a lot of material from this page for an interesting reason:    a prospective employer googled my name, found this page,  and determined that I was just another no-good dual-sporting ne'er-do-well. 

    This one was in Tierra del Fuego in 1978. I left California in 1977 on a Yamaha XS650 and ended up in Argentina.

    Lapatia, 23 kb picture loading

       And then in 1980 there was a ride on a borrowed KZ1000G through Germany, Denmark, and finally Norway, looking for Peer Gynt. Or is there something about this guy that suggests that he is Peer Gynt himself?


OK, let's cut to the chase:
( Click on thumbnail pictures for full size view )