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I call out to the one I once loved.
To the man whose kiss I've managed to memorize.
To the man with the golden touch and piercing eyes.
I call out to him today in hopes that he will come.
For I've waited patiently for him to find his way to me.
I call now for a man that walks in and out of my dreams.

The man that is strong, but whose touch is as tender as summer's breeze.
The man that shows no fear.
And that loves unconditionally.
I call now to that man in hopes that he will come.
For I've waited patiently for him to find his way to me.

Please God, tell me if all my calls are in vain.
For I call out every night yet the answer is the same.
So far and yet so near.
"Come to me my love,"
Is all that I hear.

~~Written By Lidia~~


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