Brunei . . . California . . . Canada . . . China . . . Czech Republic . . . Estonia . . . Hong Kong . . . Hungary . . . Indonesia . . . Korea . . . Japan . . . Latvia . . . Lithuania . . . Macau . . . Malaysia . . . Poland . . . Singapore . . . Slovakia . . . Slovenia . . . Taiwan . . . Thailand . . . Vietnam . . . Washington, DC . . .

Leon Kaye's Travel Home Page

Hello and thanks for dropping by my web site. I decided that the world didn't need another home page listing one's favorite hobbies and friends.

So, what I've chosen to do is to create this web site to give you some travel tips on various regions around the world, mostly Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. I've traveled to more than 30 countries and hope you can see some of the wonderful places I've been fortunate enough to see. It's a big world out there, and it's changing fast, so stop hemming and hawing: JUST GO!

The Great Wall of China, August 1996


Welcome! Here is a list of areas you may want to explore:


    Where do you want to go?

Making a Friend in Andong, Korea
Remember that just like the guidebooks you can buy, I cannot be responsible if something on your trip goes wrong based on what I've written. These areas of the world are changing rapidly; good places go bad, bad places improve, governments get overthrown, and prices are always going to go up! All I want to do is give you some suggestions; you'll find out how wonderful these places are when you get there!

With my friend, Janet, at Chongmyo Shrine, Seoul
East Asia (Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan) South East Asia Eastern Europe North America HOME

Questions? You can ask me at

Sign, Malaysia 1