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Hi there.... yo yo yo whaatsssss up fool...this is my new page errrr....what ya reckon fools ??? good or not good ??? mis think its better :> Mis still got to do a lot of work on it yet so bear wiv me. Me is currently single so if any sexy girls out there wana hook up giv us a bell :) :) muahahah.

Please sign my guestbook..For some reason the link is at the top left hand corner of my page and i cant move it heheh

O.K. i luv clubbing, if i'm in a club i'm happy ehehe, but i'm banned from most of the ones in town coz of my m8, he always starts fights ehhe. Theres a pic of him in my friends link. I also like going round to my m8ts house n chillin and i luv chatting on yahoo. I also like cruising around in my m8ts AX GT theres a pic of it and him in the friends link. I like anything really, i'm really easy going. My favourate songs are ' Alice Deejay - Back in my life' and 'Tupac - Hit em up'.

I live with my ma n pa. My dads called Brian the same as me :) My mam is called Joyce. I also have a sister called Joanne, she 22. She has a kid called Carl who is 2. Theres some pics of them below.

Ok.. Click on the friends above to link to all my pics of my friends, theres loads of em, but they only of 4 people. I'm going to get some more on of all my other friends. The guy below is a guy called tony. He's a nutter, he's the one who always gets me banned from clubs.