*~* Brandy's Web Site! *~*
~I'm 22 years old.  I graduated High School June 7, 2003, it was about time LOL. 
~Gonna try and go back to college and get my degree in early childhood..
~Someday I hope to have a family of my own, cause I love kids.  Always have wanted them, since as far back as I can remember.  Guess I have to meet Mr. right first though huh! ;)  That's hard to find these days! 
~I really love cats, horses, and dogs.  I have a tiger bob tailed cat named Bigfoot.  What I really want is a longhaired weiner dog, cause they are so cute.  I am happy with my cat right now though, he's crazy lol, maybe someday I will have a dog.  
~I like listening to music, talking on the phone, swimming, playing pool, chatting, BINGO,  shopping, going to the movies, bowling, sports, and hanging out with my friends.  I like all kinds of music,  mostly rap, metal, country,  R&B, pop, hip-hop, and alternative. 
~I like all types of  movies.  Anything from drama, and cartoons, to action, and comedy, but I  love Horror movies the most.  They may scare the shit outta me sometimes, but I just can't help but like the blood and guts lol and the great scare!
~I like playing sega, playstation, super nintendo, regular nintendo, and gamecube.  I might suck at some of the games, but that's ok. 
~I like driving around with my cousin Hope, we are always getting into trouble! LOL!   Going to walmart with Hope, nothing better to do I guess.  And most of all I love to be with my boyfriend, whom I love very much!
Hobbies and Interests:
About Me: