updated  3/5/2000


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  Welcome to my website, which I've nicknamed, "My
Little Corner on the Web". As personal websites go, it
isn't really any different than any other; I tell you about
me (while
really trying not to sound too egotistical!), my
family and freinds, what I do for a living, my main
outside hobby and interest (which, mostly, my living and
outside hobby are one in the same!), and share with you
links to where I go on the Web when I'm online. If you
happen to have any kind of interest or fascination (as I
do) about commercial aviation, jet airliners, aviation,
or (humbly, I say!), ME, the this site is for you!
  This is my first attempt at any kind of website
publishing. I must say, it has been a new and definate
learning experience; I am still learning about publishing
a website so
please check back to this site regularly, as
I will be improving and modifying it from time to time.
The software program, Yahoo! PageBuilder, has been a
great help.
  I've tried to make this site as easy to navigate as
possible. Any page you may happen to be on has a "
Map" link on the top and bottom of the page, so if you
get lost or confused as to where you are, click on the
Site Map, and you'll be taken to a page where you can
get your bearings again. Also, as this site is still under
construction, the Site Map page also gives the status of
each section and/or page. So use the site map to help
you get around this site.
  There are also a great number of pictures included on
most pages. Please be patient as the pages load...I've
chosen the best photos I could find to share with you!!
The pictures and pages, as I've said,
will change as
timegoes on (you got to keep your site interesting) so
please visit me often!!
                            ENJOY YOUR STAY!

Kenneth (Ken) Smith
Fort Lauderdale,

Here's some recent pictures
of me so you have some idea
of what I look like. Finally
found a camera that didn't
break when they took the


Current age: 36 (Saggitarius) Born: December 4, 1963, Parma, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland)
"STATS" : 6' tall, 180 pounds, 33 waist, brown hair and green eyes. Single(and available!)
Current residence: Sunrise, Florida (a suburb of Fort Lauderdale)    Religion: Catholic
Politics: Republican
   Current employment: Fleet Service Agent for USAirways, Inc.
Favorite things to do: the beach, yardwork and gardening, Internet, dancing, any kind of
                                 outdoor activity, rollerblading, exploring Florida, among other things.
Favorite foods: steak, barbeque, hamburgers, french fries, all shellfish, pizza (the usual!)
Dislikes: liars, phonies, game players, cold winter weather, snow, and green pepper!!


To go to the page that tells you about....ME!

To learn about my family and freinds

For information about my career, my work, and my company.
A tribute to USAirways, Inc.                                

My favorite subject (ask anyone!). Commercial jet airliners and airlines.

A tribute and salute to the finest commercial aircraft ever made:
             The Boeing 707                                      

Links to sites on the internet that I frequent. I hope you will enjoy
some of these sites as much as I do.

Photo credits, acknowledgements, and bibliography.

I just love to get email from  people. Please don't hesitate to send me an email. I'd like to
hear what you think of my site, and suggestions to improve it! Also, if
you have your
own personal website, send me a link to yours, so that I can learn about YOU!!
I always answer all my email...and that includes email from you! Promise!!

This little doohickey tells me how many times my site has been viewed.

Note: Pictures used on this site are my own with the exception of most aircraft and airliner and airplane pictures.
Most airliner photographs were used from the website,
www., and are used by the permission of the
individual photographer (photo credits are listed on the links page).
Corporate logos, brand names, color schemes, paint liveries, and designs or designations are the legal property
of the individual trademark or copyright owner and the ownership of such is acknowledged at the bottom of the
page on which it is used.