Photo Gallery
by James Chuah
I am an amateur outdoor photographer,who loves travelling. The photographs which you are about to view were taken during my vacations to those countries I have visited. Frequently, I work with Nikon cameras, viz FE, F3, & F90X, Nikkor lenses, viz AF24mm f2.8, AF35-70mm f2.8, AF80-200mm f2.8, 35mm f2.8, 135 mm f.2.8 and a number of other lenses of various brands. Nikon and Cokin filters are often used to enhance the photographs. My favourite films are Kodak Ektachrome and Fuji Velvia. The setting up of this home page is to promote the advancement of the art of photography as a hobby and to make friends with avid photo buffs from all over the world. The following Photographs were taken with a Sony digital camera, model DSC-F505. Please view them at
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