Paco Martín

I've finally got some pictures online...

The road to Tamazunchale   A road trip from Matamoros to Tamazunchale and back via a scenic route. December, 1996.
Siphon Draw and points east   Some pictures from a one-day hike I took at the edge of the Superstition Mountains while visiting Arizona. October, 1998
Scenes from the Georgia Coast   A few pictures from a 3-day stay in Glynn County, Georgia. October, 2002
Great Smoky Mountains   A few pictures from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, taken October 7 & 8, 2004

I'm also experimenting here.

Here are a couple of links that amuse me :) ...

A V-crude illustration of classical mechanics

An experimental form

A Spanish-English "Flashcard" Page

This page brought to you by Paco Martín.

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