On the following pages, we will attempt to share our adventures living in Hawaii with our friends and family, the goal is to update this web page 1-2 times a month, possibly more often, maybe not so often. The beauty of the islands is truly remarkable, On any given day you might find us at the beach,  hiking to one of the many waterfalls, or just soaking in the laid back lifestyle of Oahu. Caitlyn is doing well in school, third grade and working hard. Kamryn is enjoying her Pre-School and Bridget is holding a 4.0 at her college.Me, well I am just me, working hard, loving the fact that I am here with my family.  Truth is that Hawaii feels more like home than anywhere else I have ever lived!Listed below are links to our pages of pictures.  Browse, enjoy, and have fun.  Feel free to e-mail me with your comments.
HanaumaBay Pictures MauanawiliFalls Hike Our House Under Construction Misc Pictures