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Music: "Face to Face"




Yorkshire Traveller


Tell a Yorkshireman or Yorkshirewoman how beautiful their county is and you will receive no more than a shrug in reply, for they already know and believe implicitly that this is
"Gods own county, his masterpiece".

Broad, beautiful Yorkshire, the land of the White Rose. Once a kingdom in it's own right Yorkshire has never lost touch with it's heritage or it's identity.

The largest county in Britain, stretching from the Pennines - the mountain chain known as the "Backbone of England" - in the west to the east coast and the North Sea.

Yorkshire is a microcosm of Britain in it's huge diversity of scenery. Mountains, wild moorland, limestone scars, rocks of millstone grit, bubbling streams that become foaming rivers, sprawling valleys and dales, rolling wolds.

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Yorkshire has more castles, magnificent ruined Abbeys and monasteries and great stately homes than any other county of Britain - but, then, Yorkshire folk believe they have more of everything.

Grander, more dramatic and undeniably more spectacular than the puny hills of those not lucky enough to have been born in Yorkshire, where the only sound to be heard is the curlew in the blue skies above and the rippling of the water in the rivers and streams that meander through the valleys and dales of this wonderful county.

"A Yorkshire person has a strong backbone: lean on it but do not try to bend it"


Let me show you why...................

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Date Last Modified: 31/10/05

Midi: "Face to Face": © from "Songs of Praise"
written and produced by Elton Smith and Larry Holder
and used with their kind permission

