~~Catherine's Realm~~

The following pages deal with mature subject matter. Although they are of an adult nature, there will not be any pictures of nudity or coarse language.

The lifestyle of Dominance and submission has been misunderstood for far too long. In the following pages I will attempt to offer a more realistic view. Please keep an open mind and heart. Lifestylers are just like everyone else......with a few basic exceptions......ones I am sure, are not what the average person considers.

There is too much information on this subject to cover in this page. What you will find here are only my opinions and philosophies. If, however, I have created questions in your mind and you would like to learn more.....please feel free to contact me at:


I may not have all the answers, but I will do what I can to help you in your search.

It is my wish that you come away with a better understanding and appreciation for all that the exciting world of Dominance/submission has to offer.

I look forward to hearing from you. *warm smile*


This D/s Canada site is owned by Catherine.

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